April’s soap challenge hosted by Amy Warden at Great Cakes Soapworks is the ‘spinning
swirl' seen here, a technique that
creates (ahem ... should create) a
marbled effect in soap. I made two attempts at the technique and if time
allowed I would probably have given it a third go to see if I’d finally get the
kind of distinct marble swirls I was longing for!
Snapshot taken after spinning and 'tidying up' the top. |
Two days later ... voila! |
I thought it turned out too 'unrefined' and there weren't enough swirls. So I decided to try again. This time I chose to go with yellow, green, brown, black, white and grey and a LOVELY lemongrass EO & cedar wood EO blend. I changed the recipe (used olive oil AND added sweet almond oil and shea butter) and despite the extra solid fat ... it was nice and slow BUT it took forever to set up!
after a few spins ... |
I did not submit my soap - didn't think it made much sense seeing the awesome results of other participants :). I think this has been a fantastic challenge and so much fun
to do! Fact is: I need to get more
practice at achieving the perfect consistency for this technique, learn how not to spin the mould TOO hard and perhaps research more on how to combine
colours (probably just looking at the other participants’ beautiful soaps will
be enough). I’m REALLY looking forward to trying this out again. Warm thanks to Amy for providing us with yet another fun
challenge to learn from. Looking forward to what lies in store next month ...
Congratulations to all participants who submitted their soap - they're so gorgeous! Voting will not be an easy task.
Who says marbled needs distinct lines?? I think your color combo plus the movement of the soap makes these look incredibly marbled!! Very well done!